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of Music

By Brayden Waller


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Be one who is blessed for not sitting in the counsel of the ungodly


- Brayden Waller 

Music’s influence on my childhood

I have always enjoyed singing.  As boys, my brother Zac and I would sing as we washed dishes.  (A job that seemed never-ending in our big family.)  Later on when my family began raising organic produce for a living, you could hear the valley echo with song as we sang our way through the sweaty days on the farm.  We found that singing made whatever we were doing more enjoyable.  It also, in some mysterious way, made work feel less like work and more like fun. 


As a teen, we would gather with other families for weekly fellowship and sing straight from the scriptures.  This experience impacted me deeply, as the Word of God was taking root in my young heart.  It was in those early years that a great desire was birthed in me to sing the Word.  This desire became the impetus that led me to put scripture to music in the years following.  

Music shapes culture

As modern music has proven well, there is a direct correlation between the music people listen to and the way they live.  I have heard it said that people will often either talk or sing about doing something before actually doing it.  


A prime example is the way the Beatles influenced a whole generation’s view of morality.  When the young people of the 60s and 70s sang about drugs and immorality, guess what happened?  A whole generation began getting high on drugs and embracing immoral living.  This was all seen as fine and dandy because the music paved the way for a new moral code.  This new moral code, propagated by cool music and cool people, would bring with it some uncool curses, as all sins do.  

I have a suggestion.  Let your moral code be written and reinforced by the eternal Word of God.  Be the person described in Psalm 1 who meditates on the words of life day and night.  Be one who is blessed for not sitting in the counsel of the ungodly.  There is a lot of ungodly counsel being dished out today dressed up in the slick, non-threatening attire of music. Don’t be like the guy who had to play his country song backwards to get his wife, house, and dog back.  


Play scripture straight forward and you will have no regret as you travel the straight and narrow road of the Kingdom of God.  Through music, your worldview and culture will be shaped.  Who are you going to let shape it?  The powerful Word of God or the flimsy and fleeting ideologies of the world?

The Word on singing The Word

Ephesians 5:18-19  “Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”


Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.


This is super clear.  Do you want to be filled with the Spirit of God? Sing!  Do you want the word of Christ to dwell in you richly? Sing!   In her book “Singing the Scriptures” Julie Meyers points out that the Ephesians 5 passage is translated in the KJV as “be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves”.  This points to the idea that Paul is encouraging believers to sing to themselves as a way of meditating on the Word.   

Replacing Addiction With Life

He says “don’t be drunk with wine”.  Basically “don’t be lured into an addiction that will end up destroying you”.  Rather speak the Word in song and you will be filled with The Spirit.  Singing the Word is one of the best ways to stay away from addictions and stay alive spiritually.  “Sing Psalms to Him!” (Ps 105:2)

Our Desire For You

It is our desire to help people to develop this approach to music and the Word of God.  Out of that desire has come these songs which will help you to plant the Words of God deep in your heart and cultivate the Spirit of God in your life.   As you listen and learn these songs may you be renewed and strengthened by the washing of the water of The Word.

What our ministry is doing:

Looking To Memorize Scripture?

We have released some of the verses we've put to song

and we hope that you also will enjoy singing along!

Singing a verse 5 times a day will help you learn in a week.


Purchase Our Music

Support the ministry and listen to music in a biblical style. 

Great for worshiping directly from The Bible, and redeeming music back to a pure melody for the Lord

 worship Directly from the bible  with our worship albums 

click below for more details

Glasses and Music Sheet
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