April 11-14 2025
Unleavened Bread
Join us as we celebrate our exodus from the bondage of slavery to sin. God is seeking a generation who will bring a pure offering of worship before Him. What a privilege that we in the nations are included in God's glorious plan of redemption!
The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation;
He is my God, and I will praise Him;
My father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
Exodus 15:2
The Exodus - Let My People Go!
Bring your family and friends to the beautiful Ozarks to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread with us!


April 11 - April 14
April 11- 20
Ages 5+ Weekend Only $20
Ages 5+ Whole Week $30
Children 0-4 FREE
*Note* No Charge for regular Shabbat service on Saturday
Late Charge of $50 after Mar 26th
Registration Deadline: April 1st
Questions? Email us at loveandpurityministry@gmail.com
Friday - Registration and campsite setup
Friday Evening - Pot Blessing Shabbat Meal
Saturday - 10:30 Regular Shabbat Services
Saturday Lunch - Pot Blessing
Satuday Afternoon - Family Fun
Saturday Dinner - Provided Seder Meal
Sunday Morning - Crossing the Red Sea
Sunday Lunch - On Your Own
Sunday Afternoon - Teaching
Sunday Dinner - On Your Own
The Rest of the Week - On Your Own (but join us for our twice daily worship watches and more fun events like campfires, hikes, gardening and/or music classes)
Schedule is tentative and likely to change
We have the following accommodations available for the event:
RV Sites with 30 amps and water ($35/night)
RV Sites with 50 amps and water ($45/night)
RV Sites with 50 amps and water and Sewer
Tent with electricity ($15/night) - you must bring your own extension cord
Tent ($10/night) - You’re roughing it.
Dorm ($15/night/person)
On-Campus Housing: We have a limited number of options available and they are of varying sizes. If you are interested, please contact loveandpurityministry@gmail.com
to inquire. Priority is given to those desiring to rent a house, apartment, or the cabin for the entire event.
You must contact us if you are interested in staying an extra night or coming early!
There are many hotel and AirBnB options located in the area. These accommodations range from 20-60 minutes from the campus.

The Love & Purity Campus is located at 5027 Wayne 380 Patterson, MO, 63956 in the easternmost part of the Ozark Mountains.
Our campus encompasses over 60 acres surrounded by the Mark Twain National Forest.
We are 30 minutes from a grocery store and 45 minutes from other shopping. Sam A. Baker State Park is 15 miles away. The surrounding area has plenty of lakes and a river for fishermen and explorers.
We will be providing the Passover dinner on Saturday night and we will host two pot blessing meals (Friday night and Saturday lunch). All other meals are on your own.
We encourage families to bring their food and gather in the dining room or courtyard for meals throughout the event. We may also have seasonal regeneratively raised produce available for purchase to add to your feast menu.